Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cute and Irish

If you want manly cute, you want Ireland. I know this is a day late, but hey, why not celebrate the Irish twice? :)

I found some incredibly adorable St. Patty's pups:

On the left is a pug, which I find adorable because they all look like little old men trapped in dog form. I believe on the right are Pomeranian pups. Let me just tell you that Pomeranians are kind of insane, but very very cute which kind of makes up for the lack of intelligence etc.

Besides dogs, there is another species that looks cute and is Irish. It's us. Irish men are so cute!
Take actor Jonathan Rhys-Meyers for example:

I hope you all drank a lot of water today and were safe last night! Being hungover is not cute! Usually.

Here's to an awesomely adorable Thursday night for all.


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