Monday, March 22, 2010

Top 10 Cute Food

Okay so stumbled across some amazingly cute food online today. Here are the top ten cute food items I found (in no particular order)

1. I wish I could make cupcakes like these! I once tried my hand at fondant, only to get orange and black food coloring all over myself. Plus I kind of hate the taste of fondant. But it is really fun to work with!

2. Best thing ever! The original Cookie Monster was definitely the best. I don't know what's up with this veggie monster against childhood obesity. are really going to watch the veggie monster and then eat better. Totally makes sense. Or the parents could just implement healthy eating habits in their home from the beginning.

3. Okay I know I know another cupcake but this is just precious!

4. Reminds me of the puppy I take care of every week! I wish we all looked at the world with puppy eyes sometimes - it's good to be curious and spend time embracing the beauty in life.

5. I don't think I could bring myself to eat this! It would be cute if someone made it for their friends' birthday. "peas in a pod" :)

6. Latte art always amazes me. This must have taken several tries! Hurray for my favorite animal.
7. Yes, that is an actual mini cheeseburger. If they did portions this big I would be so down! America's portion-sizing is pretty nasty, I must say. 8. Japanese bento art is so cool! This mom must really love her kid hahaha. Or have no life. Or live vicariously through the kid....which is not cute.
9. Totally something I would do. I love to find smiley faces in nature or in objects. Reminds me to stay optimistic :)

10. This is my favorite since I looove cats. I would be so proud of myself if I could make this. It is absolute perfection!

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